Log-off and Dance

Log-off & Dance is the theme of the Thursday November 7 Dance for Wellbeing session at Heart & Hands, 7:30pm.

Spending time on computers, social media, and mobile gadgets can encourage us to disconnect from our bodies and our selves; sitting tense and fixated for hours upon hours can really impact our lives.

The 'Esc' (Escape) key running away from a keyboard.
The Escape key fleeing the computer… Image borrowed from http://www.makeuseof.com/tech-fun/he-finally-did-it/

In this session we’ll use terms from common technology as spurs for dance improvisation – playing with humour, games, and reflection. (A few examples: giving an elaborate thumbs-up to ‘Like’ an activity; ‘tagging’; ‘status updates’ charades; improvising to the rhythm of texting; and creating a few variations of ‘It’s time for me to log-off’ dances.)

…If we invite techno-words to filter into our dancing, perhaps we’ll find that dancing and movement become part of how we use gadgets!

Click here for details about the Thursday Dance for Wellbeing sessions, the location, how to register, and accessibility details.

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