Dancing With Art

Dancing With Art workshop (ages 9+*)
*includes youth, adults and older adults

Sunday, Oct 1 | 1:00 – 3:00pm

At the Art Gallery of Greater Victoria; here is the description from their website:

Photo of a marionette-type of figurine with an arm raised and arm out, in front of a mixed media painting with varied colours and textures.
Photo Credit: Art Gallery of Greater Victoria

“Move in new ways! Join Joanne for an afternoon of expressing yourself through playful movement activities. Inspiration will be sought from art, architecture and each other. Activities will be adapted to accommodate each participant. There is no wrong move, and no prior dance or art experience is needed!”

Cost: $40 non-members | $30 AGGV members

To register: Please see the Art Gallery of Greater Victoria website.

Accessibility notes:
 The Dancing With Art venue is an older building, and although it has washrooms that are designated as mobility accessible, the width of the restroom doorways and turn-around space may be too narrow for some participants who use wheelchairs. There are ramps to the restrooms and to the gallery rooms. The gallery is lit by bright lighting (including fluorescent lights); it may be useful to bring a hat with a visor and/or sunglasses if you are sensitive to lighting. We will spend time in two studios that have windows , natural lighting and access to fresh air; as well as movement sessions in some gallery rooms that have no windows; and we can do some activities outdoors if it is not raining (please bring weather-appropriate clothing).
Please be in touch with Joanne if you would like any accessibility details, such as the dimensions of doorways and layout of the restrooms.