Dancing in community is an excellent way to engage with aging.
Come join an inclusive, collaborative dance movement group of all abilities. Move in new ways, release tension, and have fun through a variety of guided dance improvisation activities and exploring creating dances together. Most members are 55yrs+, and the group includes people under 55 with diverse physicalities and mobilities.
Thank-you to Saanich Parks & Recreation and the Cedar Hill Arts Centre for supporting the group this season!

2019 Details:
Fridays 10:30am-11:30am
At Cedar Hill Recreation’s Dance Studio.
Upcoming sessions:
January 18, Introductory session, free, registration code: 18414.
January 25 – March 15, 8 classes for $40, registration code: 18415.
*If cost is a barrier: there is a recreation subsidy program for Saanich residents who live on a low income; and/or be in touch with Joanne about a scholarship spot.
*Drop-in is $5 (if space permits).
To register:
Options: register by phone (250-475-7121), online through Saanich Recreation, or in-person at a Saanich Recreation Centre.
More details:
All abilities welcome. There are chairs available if you would like to sit to dance the whole time or some of the time.
No prior dance experience needed.
55+ is just a suggestion; adults under 55 are welcome too.
The group is facilitated by Joanne Cuffe in collaboration with the group.
Classes are at Cedar Hill Recreation (3220 Cedar Hill Road), in the Dance Studio.
Accessibility note:
The Dance Studio is wheelchair-accessible and accessed via a ramp with three turns. If you are using an extra wide electric chair or a longer scooter, please be in touch if you would like to know the width dimensions of the ramp. If you are using a manual wheelchair and would like an Access Buddy to meet you at the ramp (it is a bit steep), or for any more access info or requests, please be in touch with Joanne.
For more info:
For more information about the group, contact the facilitator or come by a session!
If you are interested in the group but not available this season, there is an email listserv for updates about the group.
Back story to the group:
In 2016, participants in Joanne’s Dance for Brain Health class at Cedar Hill Recreation suggested creating a seniors’ dance troupe. The group began forming in autumn 2016, with support from Made in BC – Dance on Tour, and has been shaped by the interests of participants thus far. In Spring 2017 the group explored site-specific improvisation and some members chose to perform (being part of sharing the group’s work in public is completely optional). The group further explored group improvisation scores in 2018.
Dancing is fantastic for brain health, as well as physical, emotional and social well-being. Research has found that frequent dancing is one of the best activities for reducing the risk of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.