Category Archives: place

Colonial Reality Tour

Colonial Reality mini-Tour for dancers
Tuesday June 25th

at Esquimalt Gorge Park
on Tillicum Road just south of the Gorge Waterway.
We’ll meet at the bottom of the main parking lot (closer to the water) by the bike racks.

Event description:

The Colonial Reality Tour is guided by a Lekwungen community member to identify places of significance to local Indigenous peoples and the colonial institutions and names that mark them.

Cheryl Bryce has offered to guide a short version of the Colonial Reality Tour for dancers on June 25th by Camossung. We will stroll to a few tour stops, for about an hour.

Space is limited. Please RSVP by June 24th at this link and note any access needs. The route will be shaped by the accessibility needs of the group.

Admission is free.

This event is open to anyone involved in dance who would like to attend (such as community dancers, dance artists, dance facilitators/ teachers, and family members). It has been organized by a few members of the islands network for collaborative dance.

Thank-you to Made in BC – Dance on Tour’s community engagement program for supporting this event, which is part of a dance project that is also supported by the CRD Arts & Culture Support Service and the Victoria Disability Resource Centre.

Bringing a water bottle is encouraged.

Buses number 8, 9, 11, 14 and 26 go to the area.

We apologize that there has not been more advance notice for this event, and look forward to seeing those who can attend.

Much gratitude

The following links are compiled out of a desire to honour, respect and express much gratitude to the peoples, places, communities, friends and families of this land. I am a non-indigenous visitor and settler woman compiling links that a variety of people have shared publicly over the years; I very much welcome feedback, edits and suggestions.

A few Local Places:
*links to websites/ films/ interviews/ articles shared publicly by Local Salish people and families

Signs of Lekwungen (7 carvings by Butch Dick that mark places of cultural significance)

The Legend of ȽÁU, WELṈEW̱ (on the WSÁNEĆ School Board website)

Coast Salish Anthem (performed by Helen Jack and Anne Sam)

Honouring Tradition (Bradley Dick at TEDxYouth – 13-minute film)

PKOLS (brief film of the reclamation May 22, 2013, facilitated by WEC’KINEM (Eric Pelkey), with artist Charles Elliott)

Na’Tsa’mahtThe Unity Wall (Land and Sea Mural at the breakwater with Artists/Mentors Butch Dick and Darlene Gait)

Grace Islet (facebook group compiling articles and updates)

SPAET (article by Cheryl Bryce)

Reflections of ‘Mary Lake’ (interview with Tom Sampson – 5-minute film)

Sacred YOS is no place for housing site (newspaper article)

WSÁNEĆEmerging Land or Emerging People (article by Jack Horne, including re: the Douglas Treaty, the Saanichton Bay Marina Case and James Island development)

YEUWE and SṈAḴE (podcast of a speech by the late Dr. Earl Claxton Sr. when UVic honoured him with a Doctorate of Laws degree in 2006)

Gas tanker crash at ‘Goldstream’ (news video from 2011)

ȾIX̱EṈ Conservation (short film)

Salish Sea (Re)Naming Ceremony (video)

Some Local Community Initiatives:

*links to a few of the many awesome initiatives that people have shared publicly. if you would like your Local community initiative linked from here, please be in touch. thank-you!

Project Down2Earth – Videos (local episodes include: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.2, 12.1, 5.1)

Tseycum: Our Journey Home – Bringing Back the Ancestors (film)

Stolen Sisters Memorial March – February 2013 (news film) Finding Dawn (documentary)

Lekwungen Food Systems (website) / Practicing Sustainable Self-Determination (journal article)

SENĆOŦEN Language Nest – WSÁNEĆ School Board (website) / SENĆOŦEN Language initiatives (magazine article)

Pauquachin Nation film (40-minute documentary)

Two-Spirit Gathering and Workshop, and Two-Spirit: Beyond sex and gender (newspaper articles)

T’Sou-ke Solar Community Gathering (8-minute film)

Esquimalt Singers and Dancers (4-minute video)

Songhees Wellness Centre (news video)

Tsawout/ WSÁNEĆ Idle No More Jan. 16, 2013 (APTN news video)

Re-Educate – YellowWolf ft. Addie Elliott (Paint The Town Red) (“A song and video that scratches the surface of the ripple effect that residential and indian day schools have left behind.”)

A few contexts re: the Colonial Douglas Treaty Processes/ “Douglas’ Word”*

*the phrase “colonial Douglas Treaty process” is from the Tsawout dedication of Sign and Land from W̱EN,NÁ,NEĆ
*the phrase “Douglas’ Word” is talked about in the second link below

Douglas Treaty documents: excerpts of oral and written histories

The Oral History of the 1852 Saanich Douglas Treaty: a treaty for Peace (report written by Janice Rose Knighton, with oral history as told by John Elliott Sr. and the late Gabe Bartleman)

Esquimalt Nation – Sacred Trust: Our Traditions Still Continue…

Na’Tsa’Maht – Unity Wall film about the theme of Phase III and meaning of the Douglas Treaties

A bit of background to the Douglas Treaties

Douglas ‘Treaty’ texts


Some texts re: Indigenous-Settler Relations and Indigenous Peoples’ Rights
*these are documents that have been recommended through various Idle No More-related blogs

United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

Highlights of RCAP (Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples)

Aboriginal Rights – Learning Resources

The Royal Proclamation of 1763

Canada’s Constitution Act 1982 – Section 35

Canadian Government’s Indian Act

The Oregon Treaty of 1846 (slicing through families and Peoples’ territories with an international border)


Compiled resources:

Settler Ally Resources

Idle No More

Books and Resources for Conscientization and Unlearning Oppression