Lose Yourself to Dance – Daft Punk video, edited with footage from Soul Train (:
Category Archives: video
Alvin Ailey’s Revelations
This week’s Dancing for Wellbeing theme is arms and shapes; for examples of the expressive power of arms, lines, curves, and angles, here is a video of Alvin Ailey’s Revelations.
(Alvin Ailey Dance Theatre was in town last week – I am really grateful to have seen their amazing show on Wednesday!)
Photo borrowed from this link.
Shoulders & hips & shaking off ‘shoulds’
This Thursday’s Dancing for Wellbeing* focus is on moving shoulders & hips, shaking off the ‘shoulds’ we demand of ourselves, and playing with switching between different speeds.
Butoh dance theatre artist Michael Sakamoto and Thai dancer Waewdao Sirisook performed a delightful show yesterday at the Phoenix Theatre. Here’s a video of Michael’s work-in-progress duet “Flash” with hip hop choreographer-dancer Rennie Harris. If you’re short on time, you could start the video at 2:21 for a fun word-associations section, 3:45 for changing speeds into hardcore punk song; 8:23 for ending duet.
*This week’s Intro to Dancing for Wellbeing workshop is free if it’s your first time. Thurs. March 27 at 7:30pm at 851 Cormorant Street, drop-ins welcome.
Changing levels
This week’s Dance Games Night at Heart & Hands will focus is on changing levels, using spirals.
There are some fascinating examples* of changing levels in the air in this video of amazing acrobats on a spinning hoop. (Let me know if you can’t watch the video if you’re not on Facebook and I’ll send a link to another video.)
*And don’t worry, Thursday’s session doesn’t involve any acrobatics!
Dancing on a giant piano
This week’s Thursday evening theme is Intersecting Movements & Sounds… and speaking of movement + sound: here’s an elaborate keyboard step-dance duet.
Lovely duet & magic
For an intriguing integration of lovely dancing with animated lights: Pleiades.
A bit of flocking
There is a common dance improvisation activity called Flocking, where people take turns leading the group’s movement. We’ll be doing a bit of flocking this Thursday.
There is a fun example in this video here (skip half-way through to witness an intergenerational flock, where the youngest member is followed as the leader for quite some time – usually in the activity there’s a new leader each time the group faces a different direction. Also, on Thursday our flocking won’t be for as long!)
103 years and dancing
An 103-year-old person joined my dance class this morning & rocked it. (-:
…which made me realize the age range I have been mentioning is a bit young; so I have changed the About page to mention Creative Momentum offers dancing, not for “ages 4 to 94+”, but for “ages 4 to 104+.”
And from a video search for “103-year-old dancing” (altho not the same person as this morning): Mary does the Electric Slide.